Sentinel Light House Wedding

Activated March 1, 1902, the Sentinel Light Station was one of the first light stations in Alaska.   The lighthouse and island are located 25 miles northwest of Juneau, which is just a few minutes ride in a helicopter.

Thanks to the efforts of the Gastineau Channel Historical Society whose members have been working to preserve the historical site and building for the past several years, couples seeking a truly unique and historical location to have their Alaska destination/elopement wedding ceremony can now chose to do so on Sentinel Island.
For more information including photos and history on the light station, please go to:

Sentinal Light House – 2025 Please inquire for price + plus city sales tax & fees).  –  There is room for the bride, groom, marriage commissioner, a photographer, and maybe one guest, depending on individual weights.  Additional $50 if a witness is needed.  Included in the package:

* Assistance with coordinating your wedding ceremony
*Ground Transportation provided in a chauffeured SUV, that includes a stop at the marriage license office.
*Helicopter Transportation provided in an A-Star helicopter
*A courtesy bottle of Korbel Champagne or Sparkling Apple Cider toast
*Presentation Rose and matching Boutonniere
*The services of a Non-denominational Wedding Officiant.
*Assistance with your wedding vows
*Filing of the signed marriage license to be accomplished by the Marriage commissioner
*Price includes Bride & Groom, additional fees for guests and a 15% gratuity.

We are also looking into the possibility of holding weddings at Point Retreat Light house  in 2025 and will have more information this pristine location at the northern tip of Admiralty Island.